
Showing posts from June, 2023

Peer learning June 2023

This is an attempt to learn and share the information through peer learning and integrating clinical knowledge with available evidence to improve the patient related outcomes and improve in self learning skills . Conversational peer to peer learning through online platforms ( whatsaap / zoom / google meet ) 23/6/23  - 43F with fever, loin pain EBM : The dosage of long-acting human insulin did not show any relation to eGFR. In contrast, a strong positive relation between dosage and renal function was found for insulin glargine and insulin detemir. After classification according to renal function, the insulin dosage at eGFR less than 60 ml/min was 29.7% lower in glargine-treated and 27.3% lower in detemir-treated patients compared with eGFR greater than 90 ml/min. Considering the whole range of eGFR, s